You might not think about it, but Iran is an extraordinarily beautiful country.
These days we view them as "an enemy", because of conflicting religous politics, but it was not always so; there was a time when Iran was a staunch U.S. ally, and a time before that when Persia was one of the most influential and advanced countries on Earth.
How things changed I'll leave to others and other times to explain, but in the meantime I wanted to share this collection of amazing photographs of Iran. Enjoy.

Armenian Church - North-Western Iran

Cottage in northern Iran

Uramanat - North-Western Iran

Izeh - South-Western Iran

Layalestan - Gilan, Northern Iran

Bagh-e Eram Palace & Gardens - Shiraz

Oroomieh Lake - North-Western Iran

Winter night in Isfahan

Marble Palace - Tehran

Vank Cathedral - Isfahan , Iran

Museum of Fine Arts - Tehran , Iran

Shahzadeh Gardens -Mahan - Kerman

Waterfalls near Shiraz - Iran

Chehel Sotoun Palace Pavilion - Isfahan

Aali Gaapou - Isfahan , Iran

Lahijan - Guilan Province , Iran

Asalem - Khalkhal - Northern Iran

Niasar - Isfahan , Iran

Mansion in Mazanderan - Northern Iran

Pear Orchard - Shiraz

Parandegan Park in Isfahan

A serene Lake in Guilan, Northern Iran

Latian Lake near Tehran

Margoon waterfall

Outskirts of Shiraz - Iran

Oroumieh Lake - N.W. Iran

Ramsar - Northern Iran

Village of Roodbarak - Norhtern Iran

White Bridge - Ahwaz, South-Western Iran

Chahar Bagh Avenue - Isfahan

Arg-e Kola Farangi - Birjand , Iran

Kohgiluyeh & Boyer Ahmad Province - Iran

Traditional Persian outdoor teahouse

Saayeh khosh - southern Iran

Sistan & Baluchestan province

Sobatan Village - Ardebil

Ferdowsi - toos, Khorasan, Iran