Back in the saddle, herding my cats...
In case you're wondering, this is not me: Eichhorn announces Senate bid. Not yet, anyway. And this is not me either: Eichhorn strikes out sixteen. Not anymore, anyway :)
You won't often get a TV show recommendation from me, because I don't often watch TV, period. But I watched The Sara Connor Chronicles and I loved it. Instapundit reports, of the show, "I'll be back". Of course it will :) 
This caught Engadget's eye, and mine too; Maxell to no longer manufacture discs. I love the iconic ad picture at left; I remember it from 25 years ago, too. That looks exactly like my friend Mark, listening to Styx' Castle Walls... 
BIG news today from Apple; the iPhone SDK. Seems like they did just about everything anyone wanted, and they maintained control via exclusive distribution. Pretty nice. Oh, and the $100M Kleiner Perkins VC fund is pretty amazing. Seems like they are totally poised to become a platform. 
Daring Fireball: First Impressions and Questions. "I was wrong. There was never any question that this is a big market, the question was whether Apple wanted a part of it. The answer, clearly, is yes."
Fake Steve Jobs: Happy Now, Bitches? "Seriously, folks, it's game over. This announcement today is as big as the announcement of the original Macintosh in 1984." Hmmm...
Gerard Vanderleun comments: "Today I settled all family business" :)
Nothing to see here: Physicists successfully store and retrieve nothing. Truth is stranger than Onion. 