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Blogging I be... Yoda I be not. I saw where Ann Althouse had a similar (although more sarcastic) take to mine on the CNN story about black women voters. This ties in nicely with Christopher Hitchens article in Slate: Huck's free pass (Why are the media ignoring Mike Huckabee's remarks about the Confederate flag?) "In this country, it seems that you can always get an argument going about "race" as long as it is guaranteed to be phony, but never when it is real." That really does seem to be the case. Any real discussion about race is off the table as being too explosive.
Gary Kamiya thinks the Republicans are a Dead party walking. "The GOP candidates are a feeble group of Bush imitators tied to his disastrous war. And unless the surge turns into a miracle, even front-runner McCain won't beat a Democrat." This is reckless precelebration. The Republicans might be the Dems best friends, but they are their own worst enemies. Steven Dubner and Steven Levitt - of Freakonomics fame - consider Unintended Consequences in the NYTimes today. "Does this mean that every law designed to help endangered animals, poor people, and the disabled is bound to fail? Of course not. But... if there is any law more powerful than the ones constructed in a place like Washington, it is the law of unintended consequences." So very true, most of the time when the government tries to get involved, they don't help. Ann Althouse notes: "Reading this terrific essay, I thought it should be necessary to acknowledge the famous Ronald Reagan line: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"" Absolutely, and well worth keeping in mind as we watch the Presidential candidates promise to get our government involved to fix everything. One more political note, I often enjoy James Taranto's column in the WSJ. Today he notes: "This column generally tries to avoid taking shots at Andrew Sullivan, on the theory that it would be unsporting to do so. But a post over the weekend is so crazy that it's worth noting." Here it is, and yes it is crazy. I've come a long way on Andrew Sullivan, from liking him, to disliking him, to being rather disturbed by him, to ignoring him. As James says, "Sullivan thus becomes the only person ever to suggest that there's a vast right-wing conspiracy working for Mrs. Clinton." Blech.
Cory Doctorow notes we have Wubi! "It's an installer package that lets Windows users install Ubuntu Linux like any other Windows app, without worrying about disk partitions and whatnot." Sounds cool, but I suspect it is a dancing bear; that is, the fact that it does what it does is cool, but not useful. Still, might be worth a try as an alternative to real work some afternoon :) |
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