I have been skiing for the past few days, with boots which do not like my feet. Or actually my feet do not like the boots. How I came by these boots - high-end Technicas, if you must know - is a story for another day. Anyway it is a fact that there is variation among human feet, and the shape of a particular human's feet may not match the canonical shape for which a particular manufacturer's boot were designed. And so it was with my feet and the Technicas. But I digress from the main subject, which is...
PAIN. Yes despite having a wonderful week of skiing in wonderful conditions with my wonderful kids and wonderful friends, I was in pain. And hence I had the chance to do an impromptu review of pain relievers. In the public interest, here are my findings:
On day one I did nothing. Pain.
On day two I took three Advil in the morning. Less pain, but pain.
On day three I took three Tylenol in the morning, and three Tylenol around noon. The effect of the Tylenol was unnoticeable, basically I had the same amount of pain before and after.
On day four I took three Advil in the morning, and drank two black Russians at noon. Way less pain. I suspect that the Advil was helpful, based on day one, but the Stolichnaya was way more helpful. As well, perhaps the combination was helpful. Next time I will begin drinking early in the morning. :)
On day five I took 10mg of Heroin. Worked perfectly, no pain! I think? Just kidding. I think. Or was that just a dream?
Actually, on day five I blogged about it. And my conclusion: If you are in pain, Stolichnaya > Advil > Tylenol. Your mileage may vary.