Now I'm in San Diego, and it's still raining. What! This is Southern California, it never rains here. Anyway here's what else is happening:
David Hornik's New Year's Resolution is the same this year as it has been every year; he wants to meet great entrepreneurs. So what makes a great entrepreneur? One thing. You must be able to convince others to believe in you. That's it. If you can do that, you can raise money, you can recruit people, and you can do anything. If you can't do that, you'll have trouble raising money and recruiting people, and it won't matter how great your ideas. 
Randall Parker reports Vitamin D could decrease overall cancer risk by 30%. "A long-term study of 50,000 men by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health suggests vitamin D may reduce the risk of all cancers. The study, which is still under review for publication, found that men who consumed higher levels of vitamin D reduced their overall cancer risk by at least 30 percent... a separate study of women is expected to produce similar results." Wow, 30%? That's really moving the needle. 
I have to report - TivoToGo is live! This feature allows people to copy video from their Tivo to their Windows PC. Or course, the video is DRMed. And I want video to go the other way, from my PC to my Tivo... [ via George Hotelling ] 
 Here are some pictures from the Tropical Island dome; a converted zeppelin hanger which is now a beach resort in Eastern Germany. This building is three football fields long, and taller than the Statue of Liberty. Wow. 
Okay, you knew this was going to happen; the Vonage WiFi phone. Yep, this is a cell phone, except it's not; it's a cordless phone, except it's not. Well, it's a working phone and it is cordless, and it's practically free. 
Oh, look, another Vonage cordless phone. Only this one doesn't use WiFi, it has it's own 5.8GHz wireless receiver. For ten points explain the difference :)
Either way, VoIP is taking over. It is only a matter of time, now, before analog phones are history.
Finally, here we have a hobbit hole, inhabited by humans. "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort." Proving once again that just when you think you've seen everything, you realize "everything" is so much more than you realized :) [ via Clive Thompson ]
