Have you been following the situation in the Ukrane? Check out this picture from downtown Kiev. That is millions of people, in freezing weather, protesting an allegely stolen election. Democracy rules. Let's hope it wins, too. A thought about the Ukrane situation, where's the U.N. involvement? They're eager enough to meddle in U.S. elections, but how about this situation, where they're actually needed?
Have you seen those lame AOL ads, where they claim to be responsive to their customers? Well NetZero has gone them one better; they've duplicated the ads using the same actors, emphasizing the same responsiveness, and then concluding that NetZero is half the price. Clever. Of course comparing a "mere" ISP like NetZero to AOL is kind of silly - there's that whole walled garden of content at AOL in addition to the 'net - but the ads are great. [ via Collision Detection ] Remember caravans? They're back! Check out this article in Science News on Cruise Control and Traffic Flow. "One potential solution is to equip a car with adaptive cruise-control technology. Such a system uses radar and a computer to maintain a safe distance from another car or truck. Its advantage is that it can respond much more quickly and precisely than human drivers can to any change in speed." Couldn't have put it better myself. Just shows it's not the idea, it's the execution... Coming soon to a DVD Jon has cracked Windows Media 9: So Sue Me. I'm sure Microsoft will oblige. This shows - once again - that "strong DRM" is not the solution to protecting digital content. Slashdot thread here.
From The Angloshere Challenge: "The first indication came when the falling price of computers crossed the point where the average programmer could afford to own a computer capable of producing the code from which he typically earned his living. This meant that, for the first time since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the ownership of the most critical tool of production in the most critical industry of the world's leading economy was readily affordable by the individual worker." Then it goes on to make the same point about video production. Looks like a must-read book!
More from Wired 12.12 (December 2004): James Cameron: The Drive to Discover. "Exploration is not a luxury. It defines us as a civilization. It directly or indirectly benefits every member of society. It yields an inspirational dividend whose impact on our self-image, confidence, and economic and geopolitical stature is immeasurable... What are we waiting for? Let's go!"
American Digest: Five Pictures in Search of an Explanation.