Congratulations to the Red Sox! Who would have thought? An epic comeback. They won easily last night; got out in front early, and staved off a Yankee comeback. Damon's grand slam was the dagger. Meanwhile the "other" series has featured spectacular baseball; last night's Cardinal victory wasn't over until Jim Edmond's walkoff blast in the bottom of the 12th. Game 7 tonight; warm up your Tivo. 
This is pretty cool; Peter Rojas of Engadget interviews Mike Ramsey, CEO of Tivo. A highlight: 
Q: What’s your vision for Internet television?
A: For us, it’s a natural idea to consider that the DVR idea would be extended beyond broadcast onto broadband.
I really want to call your attention to John Gruber's excellent post, the location field is the new command line. "The conventional wisdom was in fact correct — the web has turned into a popular application development environment." Daring Fireball features some of the really great computing philosophy on the 'net. You might also check out The Art of the Parlay, which revisits Apple history, and Why 2004 won't be like 1984, a follow-up which consider's Apple's amazing music business. 
Oh, and please see Bryan Cantrill’s interesting take on the economics of software. What is the "FYO point"? Well, it has to do with this billboard on the 101 freeway in Redwood city... just read the article. [ via Tim Bray ] 
Speaking of "the web as development environment", Google have released Google Desktop Search, essentially a small webserver which runs on your computer, indexes your email and your computer's files, and displays search results in your browser, alongside web searches. Philip Greenspun had wondered How Can Google Grow? ("while Microsoft is trying to replace Google with MSN Search, Google will be trying to replace Microsoft Office"), and this is part of the answer. In this, Google competes with Lookout, which was bought by Microsoft, and my favorite search tool X1. John Battelle posted an interesting overview and follow-up. The early buzz seems to be that Google's offering is too intrusive, apparently it really slows down your computer while it is indexing files. That is the big benefit of X1, it does its thing quietly in the background. 
Of course, the other benefit of X1 is that they aren't Google or Microsoft. Do you really want a big company indexing your hard drive? I didn't think so. The back channel is too scary.
There are also persistent rumors that Google is developing their own browser! In this NYTimes article by John Markoff, he quotes: "'If you drive by the Google buildings in the evening,' said a person who has detailed knowledge of the company's business, 'the lights that are still on are the ones on the floor where they are working on the browser.'" Interesting.
A classic example of "the web as development environment" is Torrentocracy, "the combination of RSS, bittorrent, your television and your remote control. In effect, it is what gives any properly motivated person or entity the ability to have their own TV station." And yes, of course, there is a Torrentocracy blog... 
I was really sad to see Mark Pilgrim's post, that he's going to stop blogging: 

Looks like he meant it:

So be it. I often disagreed with Mark, but then again, he posted some great stuff. (I laughed for about 5 minutes after this one :) Mark was one of the main contributors to Atom, as an alternative syndication format to RSS.
Scoble wonders: Are you afraid to blog? Well I'm not. Even if it does involve angle brackets, computers, and electricity. And yeah, my little company Aperio has a blog. 