For the web nerds among you (and maybe others as well), I've published my current RSS subscriptions as an OPML file. If you don't know what this means, don't worry; please ignore this post and continue. If you are interested feel free to click the little button in the nav bar at right to get my current subscriptions.
As you may know, RSS is a way for blogs and other websites to publish a directory of their contents. Programs called RSS readers (or "aggregators") retrieve and display sites' feeds as a shortcut way to access their contents. (I use and recommend SharpReader for Windows, and Shrook for Macs.) OPML is an XML-based format for storing "outlines". One popular use for OPML is for people to publish the RSS feeds they presently read. By accessing my OPML file, you can see what blogs and news sites I read regularly.
If this kind of thing interests you, check out Dave Winer's Yahoo discussion group. There's also an experimental website for people interesting in exchanging OPML files and discussing them.