So I've got my new Treo 600 and I love it.
I love everything about it compared to my Treo 300, which I also loved; the smaller size, the brighter screen, the lack of a flip cover, the navigation buttons, the improved GUI which no longer requires a stylus for most things, the sold feel, the rounded shape, the better sound, the faster processor, I could go on and on (and I probably will, sorry).
But the thing I really love is having a built in camera. Happy snaps! You have been warned. I carry my 'phone everywhere, and consequently I now carry my camera everywhere. Even on my bike...
Scenes from my ride yesterday:

The Start: Luke

Climbing along the Golf Course

More Climbing

Yippee a Descent

Approaching the Landing

Along the Lake

Cruising around the Lake

Over the Freeway

Traffic! Downtown...

Climbing back up

Back! 13 miles...
Yeah, it isn't professional quality, but hey, it works. I love it!