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This weekend's bloglines... National Post editorial: Stopping Iran's Nuclear Quest. "Short of full-scale war, the Western powers must do all they can -- together -- to make it clear to the ayatollahs that they will not be permitted to build or possess nuclear weapons. And if the West cannot present a united front, then the Americans -- again -- will have to take the lonely lead." I agree completely. Why wait until Iran is another North Korea? [ via LGF; Charles notes "Ever have one of those dreams where you're standing on a train track, watching as a locomotive speeds toward you, but unable to move or do anything to save yourself?" ]
In California Votin' Jack Ganssle considers the problems with electronic voting machines. His suggestion: Let's get the mob involved. Not really, but he points out that gaming machines are heavily audited, and fraud is rare. "If a gaming auditor certified voting machines, elections wouldn't be so much of a, uh, crap-shoot." The Washington Times notes Furor over Dane's breeding comment; Aarhus University professor Helmuth Nyborg suggested governments practice selective breeding among humans to prevent the cognitive decline of the human race. "'Intelligence is hereditary,' said Professor Helmuth Nyborg, the dean of the Psychology Institute at Aarhus University. 'The 15 to 20 percent of those at the lower levels of society -- those who are not able to manage even the simplest tasks and often not their children -- should be dissuaded from having children. The fact is that they are having more children and the intelligent ones are having fewer.'" So, do I agree with this? Well, maybe. Although his view has been distorted in the reporting, note he uses "dissuaded" rather than any stronger term. I would agree with his views at this strength; non-compulsory incentives like more government financial support would be a good thing. (The opposite of programs like AFDC, which reward people for having children.) [ via Alexander Beaujean ]
ZDNet UK interviews Craig Silverstein, Google's CTO: Boldly Googling into the future. "'When search grows up, it will look like Star Trek: you talk into the air ('Computer! What's the situation down on the planet?') and the computer processes your question, figures out its context, figures out what response you're looking for, searches a giant database in who-knows-how-many languages, translates/analyses/summarizes all the results, and presents them back to you in a pleasant voice.'" Anyone want to guess when this will be reality? Ten years? Twenty? There isn't any doubt this will happen, right? Dave Winer: The Rule of Win-Win. "The Rule of Win-Win says that by choosing to participate in the Web, I can promote my own interests, but I must acknowledge the existence of others and their interests." Essentially, you link to me and I'll link to you. Have you been reading all these articles about the demise of email? Essentially because of the flood of spam, some argue email's utility is limited. I disagree, and so does Naval. "Email is the ultimate network effect, and we're all locked in." Of course.
Ottmar wants flip-flops to go with his Yamamoto suit. N.B. He plays barefoot...
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