Sailing at Huntington! - click for larger view
 High Sierra Regatta 2003 - click for larger view
This weekend I sailed in the 50th anniversary edition of the High Sierra Regatta, hosted by the Fresno Yacht Club at Huntington Lake, high in the Sierras. Just about the most beautiful mountain lake you can imagine, with perfect wind for racing dinghies...
I've been sailing in this regatta since I was 17. Not much has changed, the boats are the same, the wind is the same, the competition is the same, even many of the competitors are the same! Except now I'm racing sons and daughters of my friends, too. A wonderful tradition. I can't wait to be racing with my kids up there...
The picture at top was taken in 1984 - it ended up on the cover of a sailing magazine called The Mainsheet (click for scan). I'm now a little heavier (!) and a little slower (!!) but my boat is the same...
The picture on the bottom shows the class winners; I'm the guy in the black "I'm blogging this" T-shirt :) Next to me in the hat is my good friend Peter Drasnin, who's also been sailing Huntington since he was 17... |