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Of all the women who have ever lived, there was one woman who was special. She was the common maternal ancestor of all women currently alive. She was "Mitochondrial Eve". Consider the set of all women who have ever lived. Each had exactly one mother. Now shrink the set of all women to contain only mothers. Each of them had exactly one mother. Shrink the set again to contain only mothers of mothers. Again, each of these women had exactly one mother. Again, shrink the set to contain only mothers of mothers of mothers. Continue doing this until you have a set with exactly one woman. She is the maternal ancestor of all living women; she is Mitochondrial Eve.
I find it fascinating that it is logically provable that ME existed. You may too, or you may be thinking "so what?" But aside from being an interesting concept, akin to "the tallest living man", what else about ME is interesting? Well, the fact that mtDNA is inherited solely from one parent makes it a simple and interesting way to track variations in human populations. It is both easier and more accurate than measuring variations in cell DNA. Assuming that mtDNA mutates with a relatively consistent rate, and given that all living humans had one common mtDNA ancestor (ME), then measuring the average difference between mtDNA samples taken from human populations is a good way to measure the "evolutionary distance" between them.
Mitochondria are essential structures in cells, providing as they do the chemical machinery for generating energy. We can surmise that at one time there was tremendous selective pressure on mtDNA, leading to the present high peak in the valley of fitness. Because all living humans have a recent common ancestor, they all have similar mtDNA and similar mitochondrial function, and hence there is little selective pressure. There is evidence to suggest differences in mitochondria may result in differences in human aging. This would be an important finding if true, leading to much fruitful research, but would not affect selection in the slightest; what is important in selection is how many children you have and when you have them, not how long you live after you have them... Other than satisfying the definition given above, what was special about ME? Well - nothing! She was in all likelihood an unremarkable woman, not especially different from her contemporaries in any significant way. Her coronation as ME owes as much to luck as to genetic fitness or any other factor. But just think how much the course of history would have changed had some accident befallen her! This is the butterfly effect in evolution :) {By a similar argument, there was one man who was Y-chromosome Adam, the common male ancestor of all men who are alive today... It is astronomically unlikely that ME and YA were contemporaries, and even more unlikely that they knew each other or mated together.} [ This post owes much to Daniel Dennett's classic book, Darwin's Dangerous Idea. ] [ Later: this post attracted a bunch of interest - thank you! - and several people asked a key question: what species was ME? ] |
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