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Friday, March 07, 2003 11:35 AM >>>

Friday,  03/07/03  02:21 AM

Did you see President Bush's press conference tonight?  He seemed tired, didn't he...  I would be, too, if I carried his responsibility.  I don't see how anyone could watch him and think he is a warmongering cowboy, he seemed very serious and concerned.  He also made two significant points: "When it comes to our security, we really don't need anybody's permission", and "the risk of doing nothing is greater than the risk of doing something".  He also said he's going ahead with a U.N. Security Council vote whether or not a "whip check" reveals he has the votes.  Meaning note will be taken of who is with us...

Wondering why we are so bothered with Iraq and not North Korea?  Eugene Volokh nails it.  Please read this if you are wondering...

Saddam is such a great guy.  This article describes how he has issued U.S. uniforms to some of his troops so they can attack Iraqi civilians, then blame it on the U.S.

Have you heard about The Lysistrata Project?  Apparently women are being urged to withhold sex from pro-war men.  Yeah, right, like that's going to happen.  Asparagirl posted a terrific response.  I think of women more like the illustration at right.

The Pentagon gave a briefing yesterday on how Iragi targets are determined and how collateral damage will be minimized.  Details here...  very interesting.

Here's a really cool essay about "overclocking" humans by Gregory Cochran, who doesn't have a blog but should.  It is posted on Jerry Pournelle's Chaos Manor site, of all places.

Razib copied this article from The Economist's print edition about affirmative action in Britain.  "What caste is to India and race is to America, class is to Britain."

From Scoble:  "If you're going to do a layout of pictures, you must ALWAYS make one picture twice as big as any of the others.  Why does this rule work?  Because the human mind wants to focus on one thing."  Fascinating.