<<< Saturday, January 11, 2003 02:49 PM


Monday, January 13, 2003 10:42 PM >>>

Sunday,  01/12/03  02:29 PM

Wow!  Check out this treatise on "the garbage generation"!  There's some strong stuff out there on the 'net, people saying things that need to be said...  Much of this is opinion, of course, and open to debate; but the central problem (one-parent families) is not.  Nor the overall negative consequences.  I find the most interesting parts to be the exposure of incorrect social responses, as in the mutilated beggar argument.

[By the way, Upstream has a lot of great stuff.  It also has a lot of rotten stuff - racist pseudo-science, invalid philosophy, crummy writing.  Too bad there isn't an editor, but then, maybe that's the beauty of it...]